Top 15 Best Stock Market Books
Let's face it.
Most stock market books that you buy on trading stocks are not even worth buying. So, here is a list of technical analysis books that I have personally read and recommend.
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1. How To Make Money In Stocks
By William J. O'neil
This is a great introductory book to the stock market. It outlines William O'neil's CANSLIM approach to trading and investing. This books will give to some great insight into how the stock market works. The chapter on how to read stock charts and the "cup and handle pattern" is a must read. Also, the chapter on the greatest stock market winners of all time is inspiring.
Read How To Make Money In Stocks
2. How I Made $2,000,000 in the Stock Market
By Nicolas Darvas
This is one of the most unique stories about a person that made a fortune in the stock market using a simple trading system that is still used today. This inspiring story will keep you reading until the end!
Read How I Made $2,000,000 in the Stock Market
3. Short Term Trading Strategies That Work
By Larry Connors and Cesar Alvarez
This is my all time favorite book for swing traders. It includes 16 back tested trading strategies, exit strategies, and 5 strategies to time the market. Every swing trader should own this book. Seriously.
Read Short Term Trading Strategies That Work
4. How to Get Started in Active Trading and Investing
By David Nassar
I picked up this book at an airport bookstore right before a long flight. I didn't expect much. I was just looking or something to read to pass the time. I was surprised to find out this book would become my single best stock market recommendation for new traders! This unique book will get you on the fast track to the trading and investing world.
Read How to Get Started in Active Trading and Investing
5. Stan Weinstein's Secrets For Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets
By Stan Weinstein
This is one of the best technical analysis books to date. This covers when to buy, when to sell, and how to sell stocks short. This book also has an in depth chapter on market stages which is worth the entire cost of the book alone. I still use the 30-week MA which I learned about in Chapter One!
Read Stan Weinstein's Secrets For Profiting in Bull and Bear Markets
6. How Charts Can Help You in the Stock Market
By William Jiler
This is a great reference book with all the common chart patterns like head and shoulders, triangles, reversal days, etc. You will find them all in this book with examples of each pattern. You will find yourself coming back to this book time and time again.
Read How Charts Can Help You in the Stock Market
7. Tools and Tactics for the Master DayTrader: Battle-Tested Techniques for Day, Swing, and Position Traders
By Oliver Velez and Greg Capra
This wins the award for the worst title of all technical analysis books! This is mostly a swing trading book. It has very little to do with day trading. It still is one of the best no-nonsense books on technical analysis ever written. You will find so many secrets and stock market wisdom in this book that are not found in any other book on technical analysis. A must read!
8. Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques, Second Edition
By Steve Nison
This is by the far the best book on candlestick charts to date. This isn't just another book on candlestick patterns. It explains the emotional state of mind behind each pattern. It also explains how to use these patterns in conjunction with western technical analysis. This is another reference book that you will use often.
Read Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques, Second Edition
9. Market Wizards: Interviews with Top Traders
By Jack D. Schwager
This book contains interviews with the top traders in the world. You will be fascinated by their methods, discipline, and insight into the stock market. Learn how these top traders have achieved their success! Also, don't forget to get The New Market Wizards containing interviews with more traders.
Read Market Wizards: Interviews with Top Traders
10. Trading in the Zone: Master the Market with Confidence, Discipline and a Winning Attitude
By Mark Douglas
No matter how much knowledge you have about trading stocks, chances are you still will not be able to make money consistently. The reason is because you are still operating under certain beliefs about the market that are absolutely false. This book is included in the list because it is the best book on trading psychology ever written.
Read Trading in the Zone: Master the Market with Confidence, Discipline and a Winning Attitude
11. Reminiscences of a Stock Operator
By Edwin Lefevre
What library of stock trading books would be complete without this gem? Answer: None. Just about every famous quote in the stock market comes from this book! You will enjoy this timeless story of one of the greatest speculators of all time.
Read Reminiscences of a Stock Operator
12. Strategies for Profiting on Every Trade: Simple Lessons for Mastering the Market
By Oliver Velez
This book has become one of my favorites. Comes with numerous chart examples on how to trade gaps, first pullbacks, trading reversals, and managing your trades. You won't find the concepts described in this book anywhere else.
Read Strategies for Profiting on Every Trade: Simple Lessons for Mastering the Market
13. Encyclopedia of Candlestick Charts
By Thomas Bulkowski
Want to know the backtested results for over 100 candlestick patterns? You'll find it in this book. The surprising thing that I learned from this book is that there are some candlestick patterns that actually do the opposite of what many traders have been taught!
Read Encyclopedia of Candlestick Charts
14. Trader Vic: Methods of a Wall Street Master
By Victor Sperandeo
When I first bought this book, I started highlighting important parts of the book. Then I realized that I was highlighting almost everything! This book has some great information on how the institutions manipulate the market with buy and sell programs.
Read Trader Vic: Methods of a Wall Street Master
15. Technical Analysis Explained : The Successful Investor's Guide to Spotting Investment Trends and Turning Points
By Martin J. Pring
I saved the best for last. This is the bible of all technical analysis books! In this massive book you will find everything from price patterns to moving averages to sentiment indicators. If you only own one stock market book on technical analysis, this should be it.
Click here to see more stock trading books.